Издетальство Editionpanorama выпустило в свет книгу "Greece Panorama" в 2007 году. Она на 120 страницах, у нее твердый переплет. Автор издания Axel M. Mosler. Книга выпущена в серии - по цене 241.00 рублей. ISBN номер 978-3-89823-338-5. During his trips to Greece, Axel Mosler visited not only the mainland and the Peloponnese peninsular, but also the islands scattered like jewels over the Aegean Sea. In addition to the capital city of Athens, his photographs also portray the most beautiful coastal regions and the mountain villages with their Byzantine "onion-dome" churches. Time and again, our gaze directed to the ancient temples - a legacy of the epoch which made the country the cradle of Europe..
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