
Издетальство Die Gestalten Verlag выпустило в свет книгу "NeoGeo. A New Edge to Abstraction" в 2007 году. Она на 192 страницах, у нее мягкая обложка. Автор издания R. Klanten. Книга выпущена в серии - по цене 1911.00 рублей. ISBN номер 978-3-89955-194-5. NeoGeo documents the new flirtation with geometrical forms and solid colours in today’s design. The examples in the book make it clear that this current trend to abstract work is not a nostalgic phenomenon; rather, it borrows from illustration, collage, typography and computer art to create a whole new visual language. If one can identify any trend in today’s diverse design, it would be the new flirtation with geometrical forms and solid colours. The book that documents this development is accordingly called NeoGeo. Basic forms such as circles, squares and triangles are being increasingly used in creative work. One sees crystalline structures, diamonds, rhombi, patterns and grid-like frames. Elements influenced by the psychedelic and OpArt of the 1960s and 70s are being combined with the acid colours of the late 80s. NeoGeo makes clear that this current abstract work is not a nostalgic phenomenon; rather, it borrows from illustration, collage, typography and computer art to create a whole new visual language..

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