Издетальство Editionpanorama выпустило в свет книгу "Frankfurt 380 Grad" в 2006 году. Она на 120 страницах, у нее твердый переплет. Автор издания Jurgen Mai. Книга выпущена в серии - по цене 1288.00 рублей. ISBN номер 978-3-89823-281-4. For ten years now, Jürgen Mai has worked with 380° photography. Frankfurt as a subjekt has held it's grip on him since his days as a student and he goes to great lengths in order to draw a unique portrait of this city at the river Main; thus, he has himself lifted up to a height of 200 metres by a crane to get his surround shot in the midst of the skyscrapers for instance; yet with his inimitable technique, he also depicts the life and the people of this city..
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